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Forgiveness of debts and fines at Lincoln Cemetery

A white sign that says "Historic Lincoln Cemetery Est. 1926" with two American Flags above it. (May 21 Gulfport City Council) At the May 21 Gulfport City Council meeting, an ordinance to forgive Lincoln Cemetery debt was passed.Photo by Patrick Heinzen

On May 21, the Gulfport City Council agreed to forgive the owners of Lincoln Cemetery nearly $60,000.

Lincoln Cemetery debt has been forgiven

The historic cemetery is the final resting place for thousands of people since 1926 when it opened. Among those graves are more than 1,000 veterans, as well as one of the leaders of the civil rights movement.

The history of Lincoln Cemetery is closely tied to the historic gas plant district in St. Petersburg. Three separate historically black cemeteries once made up the area where the Tropicana Field stadium parking lot now stands.

The Lincoln Cemetery backlog isn't all that happened at the May 21 Gulfport City Council meeting.

Over the years, the black community found itself on the fringes as St. Petersburg expanded and urbanized. Lincoln Cemetery became an invaluable part of the culture of the neighborhood. Despite this, the cemetery faced problems of abandonment and neglect.

Ordinance 2024-05

This ordinance pertains to an agreement with Cross & Anvil Human Services, and forgives liens and fees from the Lincoln Cemetery.

Cross & Anvil took over management of Lincoln Cemetery in Gulfport in early 2024. Prior to that, Vanessa Gray was responsible for the care of the historically black cemetery. The cemetery owner has faced challenges including numerous compliance issues and liens on the property.

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