Available Property
If you are curious about available property at Michigan Memorial Park you can browse through the locations and map below or download the APP on your smartphone. It is recommended that you contact one of the Family Representatives at the Park for further assistance.

Planning Ahead for Your Memorial Service is Important
Many people have an idea of what type of memorial service they want – or don’t want. But they don’t always communicate their wishes to their loved ones before they pass. Without that conversation, grieving family members and friends are often confronted with dozens of time-sensitive decisions - and that can be hard when they’re steeped in grief. That’s why advanced planning for your funeral arrangements and your final resting place can be such a gift to your family.
We know that starting the conversation about your funeral services can be difficult. Thankfully, we’re experts in helping families understand all the logistics and options for funerals, burials, cremations, and memorial services. All you need to do is contact one of our representatives today.
Advanced planning relieves the burden of burial decisions and reduces stress on your friends and family. Grief is often compounded by confusion and arguments over memorial services; making the decisions yourself ahead of time spares them additional suffering. Plus, when you plan your memorial, you can feel confident your service will be exactly what you wanted. If your Funeral Representative is a non-family member please fill out this form.
Pre-payment and advanced memorial payment can ensure you and your family save money on your memorial service, regardless of inflation or material expenses. However, you can still plan without prepayment. We know funeral expenses - even modest burials - can feel overwhelming. Monthly payment plans ease the cost of making your final wishes come true.
When people feel rushed about burial decisions and funeral services, they tend to make mistakes. When you pre-plan, you give your loved ones the benefit of additional time to research, think about, and discuss all the memorial service options and burial details available. Plus, advanced planning gives your loved ones more time to gather all the documents they’ll need for end-of-life paperwork.
What if your burial preferences change? Don’t worry. You can adjust your funeral plans anytime you wish.