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'Sacred Ground'

Owen said South Korea is best known for the Korean War and as an important U.S. ally. The country is one of America's "most strategic partners in Asia" in areas such as international peace and joint military cooperation, multinational trade and investment, and exports of high-end goods, including products from companies such as Kia, Hyundai, LG and Samsung. Recently, South Korea has become known for exporting cultural products, especially popular music, movies, dance, television dramas, and Korean food products, to a global audience.

The United Nations Memorial Cemetery was established in Busan, South Korea's second largest city after the capital Seoul, with a population of about 3.4 million, in 1951 during the Korean War.

"The United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea is a really special place," Owen said. "I'm sure several people from our region have visited Busan and UNMCK, but I think for many readers, this brief introduction may be one of the first times they hear about this special place in Busan."

The establishment of the UNKICC was provided for by a resolution of the tenth session of the UN General Assembly in 1995. It was established to pay tribute to those who gave their lives resisting aggression in Korea to help support the cause of peace and freedom.

The UN color guard conducts a flag lowering ceremony on a July afternoon. Featured photo

"When you visit the UNKCC, I hope you will remember that it was the second UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold who signed the documents establishing the UNKCC," Owen said. In 1959, the UN and the Republic of Korea finalized the "Agreement between the United Nations and the Republic of Korea for the Establishment and Maintenance of the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea." Currently, there is a UNMCK commission of 11 member countries whose relatives are buried in the cemetery that oversees the management of the cemetery."

UNMCK is the final resting place of approximately 2,237 people from these countries who gave their lives for Korea's freedom, including countries that sent combat troops and medical aid: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA, Denmark, Germany, India, Italy, Norway and Sweden. UNMCK is open 365 days a year from 9am to 5pm and until 6pm from May through September. It is located on a 35-acre site in Nam-gu in Busan.

"UNCCC is a wonderfully peaceful place to visit and reflect on the values and traditions of the UN that were sacrificed during the Korean War," Owen said. "UNCCC is not a public park for play or sports. As you enter the UNMCKK grounds, you will see signs reminding visitors that UNMCKK is 'sacred ground' where silence and respect should be observed. Among the many rules for visitors to UNMCK are no smoking, no pets, no food, no alcohol, no playing or riding bikes and, of course, no littering."

Attendance at UNMCK is free and UN flag raising and lowering ceremonies are held every day at 10am and 4pm.

According to Owen, the UNMCK grounds include several areas, such as the area where the UN flag and the flags of the twenty-two participating countries are located. The U.S. sent about 1,789,000 troops to the Korean War, and about 40 Americans are currently buried at UNMCK. From the UK about 56,000 troops were sent, 892 veterans from the UK are currently buried at UNMCK. From Canada, about 26,791 troops were sent, 381 Canadian veterans are currently buried at UNMCK. Korean War veterans from Korea are also buried at UNMCK.

UN color guard at the UN flag lowering ceremony in July 2023.

"The Memorial Hall, designed by Korean architect Jung-ap Kim, located at the west end of the cemetery, is another quiet place to meet and reflect," Owen says. "Not to be overlooked is a short documentary about the Korean War and the UNCC, which is shown in English and other languages in Memorial Hall. Outdoors, UNCC has a Wall of Remembrance engraved with the names of 40,896 veterans who gave their lives as part of the UN's unified war effort."

Many groups are eligible for burial at UNMCK, such as people who died while serving under UN command in Korea, anyone who may die while serving in the UN or any UN agency in Korea, Korean War veterans, spouses of Korean War veterans buried at UNMCK are eligible to be buried together, and siblings of veterans buried at UNMCK who also served in the Korean War are eligible to be buried together. Owen added that if a family member of someone eligible for burial at UNMCK wants to apply for burial, they can contact the country's embassy in South Korea. UNMCK's Web page can be found at https://www.unmck.or.kr/eng/main/.

Owen encouraged anyone interested in attending to visit South Korea and UNMCK. Those interested in attending or for more information can contact Owen at jeffreyscottowen@gmail.com.

"I have visited UNMCK several times now, and during each visit I have experienced a genuine sense of brotherhood and camaraderie with the people of South Korea," Owen said. "It is my hope that the history and deep meaning that can be felt at UNMCK will be part of your learning and understanding of the sometimes difficult but strong relationship between the people of the United States and the people of South Korea."

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