- Lynn and Family Your Mom sounds like she lived her life to the fullest. A God fearing woman with such a big and loving heart. It would have been an honor to have met such an incredible person. She is starting another chapter of her adventures with God and know that she is setting up a reunion that will be celebrated by you all when you are reunited. Hang tight to all the Glorious memories that were made. May our Father bring Peace to you all ❤️ Nancy Yoacham
- I'm so honoured to have facilitated Catherine going to the Holy Land. It was a pleasure to have spent 10 days with her and seen her courage in making such a big trip for late in life. She is in Heaven now with full health and having a blast! Trish Duke
- So sorry for your loss. Tim Rohrenbach
- We are saddened by this news. Our hearts and prayers are with the family. Paul and Andrea Larson
- Beloved Clark kids, oh boy, what joy you brought to her life, how she loved you! Your Mom was the personification of unconditional love and the three of you, and later grandkids, were only a few of those of us blessed to be in her life. She loved God and His plants, animals and most of all people. She always saw the best in everyone. Once, I "helped" her by cleaning the fish tank. I didn't know they needed dechlorinated water and killed them all. She never chastised me for it - she saw the intent and forgave the outcome. That was so Aunt Catherine. She had a generous spirit and a peaceful personality. Like a second mom to me, she always shared her gifts of time, talent, and wisdom with me, especially as my husband and I were raising young children of our own. She and Uncle Phil are Godparents to our firstborn. Challenged by pain for much of her later years, she didn't let it get her down physically nor emotionally. She was such a strong woman. She certainly was a role model of the Greatest Generation. Thank you, God, for creating her, sharing her with us and welcoming her home with joy. Love, Catherine's niece Karna Karna J Doyle
- Dearest Mother, Words can not express how much I love and will miss you,you have been a huge part of my life. I was blessed by God for you to have you as my Mother, friend,my ride or die. It was my pleasure to have you by my side until God you home. I will be ok in time,but I know life will never be the same. I love you with all my heart Mooie.... Lynn Marie Clark
- My heart goes out to you and your family, on the loss of your dear mother. May the happy memories of you and your mom carry you through this difficult time. You’re in my prayers always. Carollynn Rohr
- Rob & family, Lean on God for your peace and comfort, he has his arms around all of you. Praying for all of you, Lorrie Lesser Lorrie A Lesser