- No words could ever express the sorrow that is felt for the loss of Nick and Brenda. They were two of the greatest people that God has ever shared with us. I was honored to be his little sister even if we were just step-siblings. He was the greatest example of what a loving father, husband, and grandfather should be. Brenda was kind and full of laughs and smiles. That is how I remember her in my memories. I will always remember Nick as the big brother to all of us . He was just such a sweet dear man. Together he and Brenda built a beautiful loving family that loves them so very much and will miss them terribly until they meet again. Nick and Brenda have been together since they were very young and spent their entire lives together...and they would never leave this word without each other and they didn't. Many hearts are so broken but none more than their children and Grandchildren. Our thoughts and prayers are with them today and always. God Bless Nick and Brenda and all those who knew and loved them. They will be sadly missed by all. Beth (DuFour) Clair-Cassar