- I was so sorry to hear about Alice’s passing. May she rest in heavenly peace. Kyle Stack
- Aunt Alice was a beautiful person who I remember as a fun loving but fierce and strong women who was full of love. I loved watching her interact with Freya and enjoyed listening to their conversations. Aunt Alice made Freya sensory balls for her first birthday which she still plays with to this day. I was blessed to know her and blessed to have her as my Aunt. Jennifer, Christopher & Freya Cummings
- She was the best exchange-Mum I could ever had. Julia Scholz
- So Sorry for your loss. Remember sitting at the cabin listening to the Tigers game and Alice shushing Jackie and I. You will be greatly missed. Sandy Haase
- I will never forget her sense of humor and the friendly rivalry between Frank and her about NASCAR Jeff Gordon vs Dale Earnhardt. I remember the camping trips, summer days at Grandmas in Capac that we spent together and her enduring love Carolyn and Frank Burns