- Linda always showed her kindness, caring, and loving personality to everyone she knew and people she met. She was a treasured friend, a true sister, from grade school. My heart is broken and not sure how life can go on without her in this world. Linda left many good memories to all of her friends. I have priceless items she has given me throughout my home, whether it was something she made, ones she bought, or a craft we made together. So I still see her around me. Linda loved life and she certainly lived it to it's fullest. Now she is walking with our Lord, along side her, Kirk, her Mom and Dad. Rest In Peace my Dear Linda, your presence will truly be missed. To you and your family….May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine upon you. May He be gracious onto you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and May He give you peace…Amen!! Diane Kepich Lawrence
- “I was surprised and saddened to hear about Linda's passing. She was such a good woman. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time.” Jason Orban