- Rich was a good friend, I’ll always remember the great times we all had snowmobiling in the UP back in the day. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time. RIP my friend. Jay Jay Osterberg
- Sympathies to the family for a huge loss. Rich was a great co-worker and friend, a respectful and respected man. He was always fun to be around, and just a good person. May he Rest In Peace. Bob Daavettila
- My deepest condolences & prayers to the family. Rich was such a nice guy! I looked forward to talking to him at Christmas parties or other events. May He rest eternally in God’s arm. Rosezella Townsel
- Very sad to hear of this great loss of a good man, great friend, and an awesome coworker. My deepest thoughts, prayers, good wishes go to you and your family. May you have peace and tranquility in your journey, and may your family and friends have the patience to endue this great loss! You are greatly missed! abel
- Rich, was such a genuinely great person, family man, and a well respected member of the Michigan Transportation and Infrastructure Industry. He will be missed. Clay Stokes
- Big Rich : Thanks for being such a Great Mentor and an even Greater friend. The Telegraph Cruz's won't be the same and as much fun without you. Rich you will be dearly missed my friend R.I.P. Cleave Mike Cleaver
- Sad news. We always had a blast with our cousin at family reunions and for visits to the UP. I’ll have to make a whopatoulie in your honor. YOU TRULY WILL BE MISSED. Lindsey Benedetto
- May your heart be healed with the wonderful memories ,loved shared and time together..blessing and love to the family during this difficult time Ellen Sharkey/ Janet Olszewski
- It's hard to believe Richard is gone He was a great father and grandfather very respectful of his elders He will be missed alwsys.. Joe and Georgia Hawryl ak Joe and Georgia Hawrylak
- We are so sad to hear about the loss of such a wonderful man. Michelle, may they love you shared be more than enough to get you through the grief you feel now. Gabbie and Madi, may you both feel the deep love and pride your father has for you forever and may that feeling get you through the heartbreak you feel now. To all of his loved ones, may the laughter and the joy Richard brought into all of your lives remain in your hearts forever. The Kaminsky/Calvillo family
- Rich was such a great guy I am so sorry for your loss Michelle and family . My prayers are with all of you . Dani McAdams
- I was tremendously saddened to learn of the passing of Rich. He was the ultimate construction guy having worked on some of the largest most important MDOT projects in the state. But more important he was a wonderful person. Condolences to the family Greg Johnson
- Rich was loved by all and will be missed tremendously...such a great guy! Love to the whole family. Debbie Gibson
- Deepest condolences on Rich’s passing. Although we did not work together long, He was such a nice person it was a real pleasure. Michelle and Sandy, my heart grieves with yours. Jeanne Day-LaBo
- Rich will be very much missed! Thank God I have so many great thoughts and great times together over my lifetime. Many laughs! Many Drinks! My thoughts and prayers to his family. Mike Prim
- Rich was such a great guy, I am beyond words. Much love to Michelle and he family. May He RIP. Sandy Mullen
- We are devastated for Rich's family. He was such a nice guy. Susan K Tumara