- Arlene was my Godmother. I still have the ceramic baseball player figurine She made for me many years ago. May Arlene Rest In Peace, and perpetual light shine upon Her. Scott Beaudrie
- Mrs. Racette had an integral part in my upbringing; she ALWAYS treated me with kindness, tenderness, dignity, and respect because that was exactly the type of person she was. She was kind, caring, conscientious, tolerant and she has left an indelible impression upon me for which I shall embrace all my days. I can still see her and hear her voice whether in Gibraltar or in Sylvania Twnship - and also maybe speaking at me in a louder tone in Evart. She never yelled at me nor judged me for my questionable adolescent (and very poor) decisions. I will forever be thankful for her guidance and TLC. Rest In Peace Ms Racette. I’ll do my best to continue to set a good example for Shitty. And you’ll be happy to know I haven’t gotten sick in any sinks nor snuck into any windows since the very early 90s. All our love Mark and Jenni Sieg. Mark Sieg
- Our deepest condolences to you. You're in our thoughts Mikie and Famliy. ABC WAREHOUSE FAMILY
- She was a wonderful Aunt! She will be greatly missed. Brian & Laura Buchanan