- Greg, "We did the things" You and I were the closest in so many ways....blood brothers through and through. You were always my mentor in life and my hero and so many ways with how you held yourself and dealt with things.... How responsible you were, and how loving you were toward the family. The memories from way back when I was 8, 9,10 years old on weekends going to joby's Drive-In getting a burger/ fries and a Coke... And then going to a movie or bowling, just about every weekend that's what I looked forward too. How we shared the same bedroom for years and always listened to your 1960s and 70s rock and roll blaring driving Dad nuts!... And then how we kept it so clean and organized and displaying the little knick knack stuff that we collected from way back then even. And then when I went into the Navy to serve my country proudly as a real veteran now.. I would always make phone calls to you to talk about things and again find comfort in your voice and your advice. But then when I got out of the Navy that's when things started really rock and roll! We both found our niche together in a very special hobby that kept us on the roads looking for relics from the past and sharing stories together and always wondering what's around that next curve? We would share stories on those trips about the universe and the wonders of it... In which now you know all... And some of the wild things that we got ourselves into... If people lived two lifetimes they could never come close to our experiences..... I am so thankful that I had those years with you and nobody could ever take that away from me no matter what and that's something that I will hold dear in my heart forever. Yeah we did the things....some things now that I am the only living person on Earth that know about and always will only know about because I save those just for me.... We were very close.. we weren't part-time.. we definitely had true substance in a relationship and I'm so thankful for that. I will talk to you often, I know you're with Mom and Dad right now healthy and happy and you will help guide us too new adventures and Life experiences. Always remember I tried... And you know what that means, I can sleep good knowing you know where my heart was. I will try my best to uphold your legacy, Love you always, Rick Rick Stevens
- Greg - Thank you for all the memories, I will never forget them. Thank you for all the times you and I sat and talked about our dreams, our families, and the next thing we were going to do together. Thank you for being a listener and for the advice. I will always remember that you had one of the best damn handshakes a man could give and it always the first thing you did. Thank you for being a friend and a brother… this world is a lesser place without you but your legacy will not be forgotten and your memory will thrive each time someone shares a story or a remembrance, every time we send a firework into the sky, or gather as a family…. This is how you will live on… Keith
- Can't wrap my head around the fact that you have left us...the hole is too deep. I'm saddened that you will not be celebrating your retirement and enjoying the pleasures you have waited so long for, like a new little buddy. I can't even visualize how any future events will look without you as the organizer and music coordinator! Your gift to this family was being the strong patriarch; you gave yourself to everyone. Rest in peace and take care of everyone in heaven. See you again one day. Love and miss you Pamela Stevens
- Greg, We did the things!..... I know that you tried your best to beat this thing.... But God had other plans for ya, plans that we may not understand at this moment but I thank God that He gave you to us for 65 years before calling you home. You are vibrant up there, living with Mom and Dad in the house they have made going before... You are seeing everyone that has gone before and catching up on things. Heck, you are probably conversing with famous folks as well from back in history... A lot of the stories that we shared on the road looking for antiques we're about the universe and the wonders of it... Now you can explore them in a blink of an eye...anything and anywhere... As you now know all the secrets! We did the things... I was thinking the other day about back in the 70's and early 80's when we used to have our Saturdays at Jobee's drive in for a burger and a coke and then you took me to a movie or go bowling... And then how we metal detected together and then got into digging for old bottles.... We did the things.... Running the roads for thousands of miles, visiting thousands of small towns finding cool stuff in attics of old stores and gas stations... Meeting some really unique folks... Like "foamy" and the dude that kept saying over and over " it ain't for sale... It ain't for sale.... American Pickers! Huh...they could have never done it like us... We hit it hard didn't we! Yeah, we definitely had a close and unique relationship together... You always taught me all of the strong traits in life and how to speak up for yourself and defend what is right. You will always be a great American patriot..you love this country, and we will always think of you when we help defend the Constitution from the evils of socialism... I love you man!!! That was are saying everytime we talked to each other... Or.. am I sickening?? Lol and we say how much... Usually just a little... Yep... We did the things... Some things that nobody else on this planet knows about... And never will, I will save those for myself. All I know is like you... Someday when I am called home...looking up at a ceiling... One thing I don't have to say is that.... Damn I wish I would have done the things.... Because brother we did them big time. See ya hopefully around 30 to 35 years from now... I know you will welcome me at the gate... And then we will start again doing the things for eternity.... I will do my best to uphold your legacy and what your wishes are . You know now how much I tried, and you always knew how much I loved ya, I am glad to be able to say I have no regrets. Give Mom and Dad a kiss for me... Love ya Greg... Always will. Rick Stevens
- My dearest daddy, oh how I miss you already! This isn't fair. I don't know how I'm going to continue without you, but I promise you I will try. I love you so very much daddy! Thank you for always being the best dad and thank you for all that you've done for me. And thank you for loving me the way you did. The best daddies get promoted to grandpa....thank you for being the bestest grandpa to Hanna and Jacob. We miss you terribly and love you so very much!!! Contine to watch over us daddy. Until I see you again.... Rest in peace ❤ Jessica AKA Goo Jessica aka Goo
- Greggy I miss you so much already. I love you so much and this just isn’t fair. Thank you for being the best big brother in the universe. Thank you for looking out for me after mom and dad left us. Thank you for giving me my nickname, Mia. I’ll never forget the first time you called me that, and the t shirt you got me when I was 8 that said it. I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. I promise I’ll do my best. I won’t let you down. Give momma and daddy a hug for me and tell them how much I miss them. I’ll see you all again someday. Until then, please watch over me and visit me in my dreams. I love you Mia
- God had different plans for your retirement day. I know you are resting in heaven where only the best go so young. Keeping my promise. We will meet again.❤ Boo
- God had different plans for your retirement day. I know you are resting in heaven where only the best go so young. Keeping my promise. We will meet again.❤ Boo
- From your cousins around the country, near and far, run, don't walk, to the nearest Heaven. RIP, we'll see you again one day.. Sam Stevens
- Rest In Peace dear Greg Sharron Durrant
- I love you, Greg. I'll see you on the other side. Veronica
- I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. Jamie(Mail lady)