Joseph Lee Strandberg
Born in Manistee Michigan
Westshore hospital
May 5th 1985
Was pronounced brain dead
November 30th 2024 at 3:30 p.m.
His family always called him Joey. I being his mother always called him my little Joey McGee. Joey was extremely intelligent with an IQ of 155. He was full of love, integrity, loyalty and was always there to lend a helping hand. He held a degree in business, marketing and sale. Which he refuse to allow anyone to know.
Joey loved animals more than anyone I've ever known and animals loved him. He always had this corny little joke He would make the sound of drums, that I would try to imitate and I would never come close to sounding like a set of drums. His sense of humor had him usually laughing until tears formed in his eyes. He was a gentleman, he was a great friend, a loving son and a great grandson. He worked as an IT guy for Mel Zohrob. He worked with Jeff James, Ashley Howard, Rick Wells, Jim Mortimore for a long time. He was a jack of all trades. He handled everything that was given to him. He was then made general manager, and continued to learn and handle everything. Customers loved dealing with him as he was also the tech support person.
Joseph survived by his mother Bonnie, two sisters, three nieces, more cousins that I could list. More aunts and uncles that I could list. Although his favorite aunts and uncle were Molly and Scott Edens. He is also survived by the Buchanan Family and Anderson Family.
Joseph was only 39 years old. He suffered from being a diabetic. He went into DKA and only the EMT showed up after 911 was called. He stopped breathing. There were no paramedics, and the EMTs did not have the right equipment to help him to start breathing again. Because of going into DKA he could have suffered a seizure which caused him to also have a heart attack. We will soon know once all the reports are back in.