Eugene Gordon Uhl, a beloved father, grandfather, and friend, passed away peacefully on January 11, 2025, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. He was born on September 27, 1942, in Minden, Michigan, and lived a life of quiet dignity until his passing at the age of 82.
Eugene was preceded in death by his cherished wife, Gail Uhl, his parents, John and Verna Uhl, and his siblings Walter Uhl, Earl Uhl, Norman Uhl, Floyd Uhl, Raymond Uhl, Meryle Uhl, Harold Uhl, Ada Murdock, and Betty Uhl. Their memories remain deeply treasured by those who knew and loved them.
He is survived by his devoted children: Robert (Elsa) Uhl, Ronald (Amy) Uhl, and Abigail (Paul) Compton. Eugene took immense pride in his role as a grandfather to his beloved grandchildren: Megan, Joshua (Paige), Ryan (Aubri), Emma, Adam, Kara, Tori, James, Abby, and Katie. His presence in their lives will be profoundly missed, but his legacy will continue through each of them.
Eugene will be remembered for his steadfast love and commitment to his family, offering strength and guidance throughout his years.
Family and friends are invited to pay their respects on Saturday, January 18th, during a visitation from 2 PM to 4 PM. During this time, all who had the privilege of knowing Eugene can come together to honor a life well-lived and share in the collective memory of a man who will be missed by many.
May he rest in eternal peace.